Monday, October 11, 2021

Ponytail can be beautiful like this


🍆Step 1: tie the hair on top of the head with a ponytail in the middle of your head.

🍆Step 2: Flip the ponytail up one circle.

🍆Step 3: Pull out the hair texture formed after flipping.

🍆Step 4: After drawing flowers on both sides, the hair texture becomes more obvious.

🍆Step 5: The hair on the left side of the ponytail on the top of the head starts to braid three braids backward along the hairline. When braiding the hair, add the hair bundle below.

🍆Step 6: After braiding the hair on the left and right sides, merge the hair in the middle into one strand.

🍆Step 7: Pull the braided hair on the left and right sides.

🍆Step 8: The overall hairstyle that appears after drawing.

Don't put on delicate hair accessories, this beautiful ponytail hairstyle is complete.

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